It's amazing how time flies. Blogging has never been my strong point, but as I'm now traveling around the Globe and playing with new and interesting things as well as missing a lot of communications from some very good friends, I'm thinking it's time to start writing stuff down and pointing people toward this blog so everyone knows I'm alive and well.
So much has happened in the last couple of years I wouldn't even know where to start to try to catch up. The best thing for me to do is start today. So, "Today is the Day." My fingers are on the keyboard and there is sun shining through the window. My dog Roxie is at my feet and I have a cup of coffee on the desk. Yes, today is the day.
First of all, Magic is still alive in my life. I have noticed an interesting change in the way it looks to me though. I'm performing larger shows less. I'm not aggressively seeking out pitches to bang my wand on my table and pop shows anywhere I can.
I'm finding visual and interesting pieces of magic that I work with to keep my hands and thoughts in place. I read more. In fact, I'm reading books that I have in my collection that I didn't have time to start. I'm finding there's some pretty interesting things I have that I have been putting on the back burner for a rainy day. It reminds me of my teachings of closing a door and opening up a new one.
With all this self-discovery, I'm also discovering the peaceful and inevitable teachings of the elders. I'm more at peace and less aggressive. I do continue to have my competitive edge and yet at the same time, I'm enjoying a wonder-filled new beginning. I'm enjoying the process of transformation and bathing in the true Light of Magic.
What does all this mean? What choices of paths do I have? Which way will I take? Well, I'm not quite sure. I'm taking it a step at a time. I feel the pain of setting some things down and the joy of discovering new horizons. I'm learning how to be comfortable in a mysterious, wondrous way. I'm taking deeper breaths and longer walks. I'm seeing new possibilities that seem to resonate with my Spirit and Soul. Is it that I'm growing up? Is this a life changing moment? Well dang it, I'm not sure. I'll have to see where it goes from here. Now is an important place to start. I'm here. Now, I'll have to see where you take me and where I choose to go. Over the years, I've trusted my steps, but now as the fog thickens, I'll have to slow down, be aware and move forward, watch my step and see where this place is?
Let's take a "For Instance..." Hmmm, where does this start? Where does this want to go? It's my life. I've been a magician since I was a kid. My Grandpa Galloway got me started at age five. From then on, it was a hobby, a goal, and a dream. So as I creep up to the age of 73 this year, I do know that I have been on a journey of Magic for well over 68 years.
Now I know I've only been a paid professional for just over 51 years. I've had to learn a lot in that time, but as each year passes, my shows continue to evolve. I may change my name from Brother Paul to Grandpa Paul. That would be the place to start. Then I'll stop poking handkerchiefs down ladies cleavage, It's starting to creep me out too. So the question is, "Where do I go from here?"
As I pack for a six week run at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival, I'm tossing some tried and true works of Magic into another crate. I'm packing light. I'm bringing in some new routines to see where my heart is at. It's a process. It's a revelation. It's a new way of looking at things. As I place a few of my "Classics" into the crate, I'm backing them up with a new thought or a new idea. I'll be breaking in some new stuff, just to see "Who" I really am right now. I'll have to keep you posted and let you know how it works out.
In any case, come back and check in. Let's all see where this goes. The path is wide and adventurous. It has some steep trails that seem to get pretty narrow in places. I'm excited to see where these new paths go and I'm ready for the new adventures.
Until Later...
Bro. Paul
I'm here for you.